Hello sorry I've not been around. I'm halfway through my radiotherepy and things are ok so far. Not done any crafting I'm afraid. What with exercises and putting sandwiches up and waiting for transport , to and from Christies I haven't had much time . I also am trying to have a couple of short walks everyday to try and get properly mobile again. The tingling in my feet drives me mad, but determined to get through it. I just hope that eventually I will be one of the lucky ones and it goes away.I have been told it could take inbetween a year and two years.
Never mind enough of that, the sun is shining here today and that is lovely to see if only for a short time.They have forcasted rain for the next 3 days, nothing new there. I hope you have all managed to get some crafting in and are all well. See you all again soon I hope. Love and Hugs x ChrisB
Love, Hugs and Kisses
2 days ago